Small Portable Pump Sets

Portable pumps for tough applications.
Diaphragm self-priming portable pumps
These small portable pumps are made for tough applications and excels when it comes to pumping sludgy water or water with large solids. Despite its extreme ruggedness, these pumps maintains the extreme portability you have come to expect from our small pump range.
- Recirculation of bentonite and drilling mud
- Sludge removal
- Pumping sewage or other liquids containing fibrous material
- Pumping cutting or dressing water circulation in stone industries
- Cleaning manholes

Centrifugal self-priming
portable pump for easy transport
Centrifugal self-priming portable pumps
The ETP series offers four models. All are lightweight, highly portable, self-priming pumps. We offer three models which are gasoline driven. The ETP 100D model is also available with diesel power. This range of versatile pumps can be used across many applications and are great for emergency use and non-planned events.
The balance of portability and power means you can easily transport them to your application site. The rugged, high performance features ensure performance – even in the harshest of environments.

This pump is small enough to fit in your truck