SlurryBlaster Hydro Mining Solution
SlurryBlaster unit for removal of slurry and sediment accumulation on dam walls and inside dams.
Severely silted up ponds and reservoirs can impact on the water storage capabilities of a mine or plant, negatively affecting downstream processes.
Designed and engineered by IPR, the introduction of the SlurryBlaster will assist mines with on-going maintenance.
The SlurryBlaster offers mining and plant operations a cost effective cleaning tool for all applications where slurry has become an issue and needs to be washed away. Consider leasing dredging units for a cost effective solution to your dam cleaning project.
Each installation of the SlurryBlaster comes standard with a 37 kW feed pump with float, a 22 kW slurry pump for the removal of the slurry, a 200 metre heavy duty lay flat hose and an electric control panel. The unit is available on a pontoon, on a trailer or with a support frame for manual use.

SlurryBlaster Dam Cleaning Equipment
- Material Build: Mild steel or Stainless steel
- Capacity: up to 2800 l/min or 46 l/s
- Inlet Pressure: 7 bar Nominal
- Rotation: 360 Degree
- Elevation: +70 degree
- Depression: -20 degree
- Max Range: 73 m @ 45 degree